It is your fault!

“You cannot blame me for that! My job is not inspire you or motivate you to do anything, that is your decision, I just give you the elements in a neutral way, you decide how to interpret them and what to do with them” Said angrily a voice in my head.

“But you made me feel sad with the images you were showing me!” My conscious mind answered defensively.

“No, you cannot blame for how you feel, or how those images made you feel, it was actually you who decide to interpret them as sad images, but they are not, they are just images, I told you my role is not making you feel happy, motivated or sad and depressed, I am just….here!” Was her last answer.

My conscious mind remained silent for a while not being able to understand my subconscious mind position since there should always be a culprit and it wasn’t to be her this time, or ever!

Nevertheless my subconscious mind was right, I had decided to classify those images as sad and then I had begun all the processes in my brain to make my whole body feel sad.  Not a simple task since it took a lot of resources and energy, being sad is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a lot of hard work and effort!

But as soon as I saw those images the way my subconscious mind told me, they lost their power, they were not sad images anymore, they were just… images.

I felt very silly for a good while, I had been trying to blame the photographer, the illustrator, the editor of the magazine, the weather, the government (just to keep the tradition) and probably my neighbour, (just because I run out of subjects to blame for the moment).

To keep reading this article and more click here

4 thoughts on “It is your fault!

  1. Okay >>> the government (just to keep the tradition) and probably my neighbour, (just because I run out of subjects to blame for the moment). Now that made me laugh because nothing is ever my fault as well!
    Now that was an impassioned rant… Brïdgêtté 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh yes, there is an entire pessimistic population @ fault here! I couldn’t possibly be held responsible 2 make thing right in my own life… or should/could I⁉ Maybe NOT!
    LOL >>> Brïdgêtté 😜

    Liked by 1 person

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