Why is that happening again?

I thought I had finally left the bad habit of adding salt to my food without tasting it first.  I have slowed down my eating speed quite a lot and keeping my hands away from the salt shaker as much as possible, but I have caught myself adding salt more often, to food that does not really need it.

Yes, for some strange reason (maybe my body needs a little more sodium lately) My mind keeps bringing thoughts of salty food and, that constant desire for salt is pushing my hands to grab the salt shaker more often, maybe this is just a justification, but that is a habit I need to work on immediately before it causes a bigger damage.

Same with other bad habits, and fear as well. Fear is a bad habit when you allow it to be the master of your thoughts too frequently.

How would you expect to get rid of a bad thought if you keep entertaining it all the time? Continue reading


I was feeling happy that morning.  I was actually enjoying that feeling of “Nothing is wrong in the world” when suddenly the left hemisphere of my brain began asking the right hemisphere what was he so happy about?

Maybe this unusual state of happiness was too suspicious for that side of the brain that is always analysing and questioning everything all the time.

So, of course he managed to find more than one “reason” to stop that “excess of happiness” and dedicate time to processing more “useful” and worrisome information.

So my mind began making a list of all those things in my past that were unfinished, unclear and unfair to my eyes so I could go back to the regular uneasiness pattern, more natural and popular these days in this world. Continue reading

It is your fault!

“You cannot blame me for that! My job is not inspire you or motivate you to do anything, that is your decision, I just give you the elements in a neutral way, you decide how to interpret them and what to do with them” Said angrily a voice in my head.

“But you made me feel sad with the images you were showing me!” My conscious mind answered defensively. Continue reading


One of the main issues of our modern world is that we are living so fast, so focused in our daily routine that we forget about our inner self.

Awareness is the key.  You can move your fingers, because you are aware of their presence in your body and because you know you can move them. You can do your daily chores because you know you are capable of doing them, you can walk, drive, jump and eat your soup because you know you can do these things and more. Continue reading