Follow them

Nothing in my life has arrived by chance. Either good or bad, every situation, person, blessing, problem, teaching, etc.

In some cases, there has been a point on the road where I have been able to see the reason why they appeared in my life. Other might kept their secrets for ever. Time will tell.

There is not a single thing I have learnt in the past that has not become “handy” at some point in my life.  That is why I do not consider “wasted time” to every second I spend learning something new.

There is an old Russian proverb: “Век живи, век учись” (Live a century, study a century).

Learning is a blessing. Its effects in our brain are amazing and actually it has healing properties as well. Continue reading

Healing time

And everywhere I turned my head there were people talking about how difficult this year has been for all.

Changes, radical endings, new beginnings, people leaving, new people appearing, in one word: CHAOS.

But we have learned that Mother Nature does not like chaos.  There is not a Law of Chaos anywhere.

What we call chaos is just something we haven’t fully understood. But if we watch closer we will see that everything follows a certain order. Even, if we cannot see it. There is an order and a purpose in everything. Continue reading


We are taught to trust our senses to recognise our reality. We believe in what we can “touch”, “Seeing is believing” and so forth.

It is logical to take as “real” those things that our five senses can perceive. Our senses were designed for that purpose, right?

Well as a child I loved to play those games in magazines and books where drawings could hide different shapes and only focusing your mind in certain areas of the illustration you could find more “hidden” shapes.  Continue reading

Inner wisdom II

Inner wisdom comes not only in the form of theory or intellectual knowledge. It is a more profound concept.

We can say it is a part of our inner baggage, a set of tools that travel with us all our life and constantly updates with the help or our experiences and tests in life.

It means to be true to our inner being and apply those tools in our daily life. Continue reading


When you set your expectations on someone or something, you are at risk to be disappointed.  It is a part of life and it hurts very much, but believe me, it hurts even more when you are the one who is disappointing a loved one.

I know I have done that many times, not willingly of course, but I have disappointed people who had believed in me and, on the other side, I have been disappointed too.

I guess we all have been there. In both cases. Continue reading

On Time

I was shocked to see how far into the year we are now. Where have all those days, weeks and hours gone? Life is happening too fast.

Maybe time is accelerating as some people are saying, maybe my daily routine is getting too….mmh…. routinely?

It was a Saturday two weeks ago, when I attended a very interesting conference at a University, I was still trying to let the concepts learnt there sink into my head, when suddenly I saw the calendar and it was Saturday once more! So soon? Where did all the rest of the week go?

Then I decided to make time go slower, yes, if time is a perception of the mind as some theories affirm, then I had to try and make it flow slowly. Continue reading

The good fear

An urgent message might come in different shapes and forms. Probably sometimes they need to arrive under the disguise of a “strong” emotion in order to force us to give it the required attention and response.

So we can call that a “good fear”. Not because I am saying that fear is good. It is like Karma, it isn’t good or bad, it just is.

But as I have mentioned before, fear has its purpose and reason to exist. So although we are in a quest to “vanish” fear in our modern society. We need to change our goal here. We CANNOT vanish fear from our hearts, it comes with our inner programming and it helps us to keep us safe from danger. Continue reading

I won’t fail this time either.

“Yes, I have made a lot of mistakes, I have taken very bad decisions and I am still trying to figure out how to set things right in many aspects of my life, but I don’t think I have failed. I did everything I could in the way I thought it was right, I tried my best to do the things in the only way I knew and yes, I know, I have harmed people I love at times, I have even harmed people I don’t know directly but all I can say is that I didn’t do anything on purpose. I never meant to do anything wrong to anyone in anyway.” I told my friend while we walked in the park. Continue reading